Senin, 01 Desember 2008






She really is a complex character," Gong Li relates (in Mandarin) to "She's crazy, and I must admit it was a great opportunity to work with Zhang again. I needed to develop different emotions and feelings with respect to the relationships that empress has with the people she is surrounded with, like her love relationship with one son, the motherly love with the youngest son, the sexual relationship with the other son, and a love-hate relationship with her husband the emperor. And then add on the emotion of being poisoned, knowing that it can kill her, and then she has to face what she is lacking in life, love and the powerlessness of her situation- Well, it just adds up to one rich, challenging character. Also, when you do action films, it must be an action film; when it's a love or drama film, it must have love and drama in it. I like all these kinds of films, and I feel Zhang is the only director that can create a good mix of all of these things in one film."

Speaking of action, although most Hong Kong and Chinese actresses don't practice martial arts, many have made their name and fame by starring in martial arts films. Gong is one of the few big Chinese stars who has melded an incredibly diverse career without starring in a martial arts film. Furthermore, of the few martial arts films that she has appeared in (SEMI-GODS AND SEMI-DEVILS (1994)), she has resisted doing fight scenes. "It is easier to do action films because of course you can have action doubles and make it look like you have good fighting ability. But-" Gong pauses for an emphatic stare. "As an actor, I don't wish to follow the trend, and I want to keep doing drama films knowing that I don't need a double. Like in any film an actor must do, I don't want a director to waste my talent."



Keyla Espinoza è tornata single
Ha lasciato il fidanzato dopo 8 anni

Si è lasciato sfuggire una grande chance il fidanzato della splendida modella venezuelana Keyla Espinoza, testimonial della birra Corona. Dopo otto anni, non le ha chiesto di convolare a nozze e lei gli ha rifilato il benservito. Fine della storia. Lo rivelano fonti vicine alla 27enne, originaria della Isla Margarita. Profetico, ora più che mai, risuona il refrain pubblicitario: "provate a prendermi", sotto il quale campeggia l'immagine di Keyla con in mano una birra ghiacciata, nella campagna 2007 del noto marchio.

Diciamo che ora, tornata libera, l'invito alla "caccia" è aperto ai nuovi pretendenti. Occhi verdi, una cascata di capelli color castano che sotto la luce si accendono di tonalità ramate, la modella nell'immagine spot appare raggiante in un bikini striminzito che sottolinea le curve prosperose di cui è debitrice a Madre Natura. I fotografi hanno scattato oltre trecento scatti per questa campagna promozionale e la ragazza non è certo passata inosservata, facendo salire i gradi della temperatura ormonale degli italiani, giusto nel periodo estivo appena trascorso.
Keyla Espinoza

Keyla Espinoza ha raccontato che ha cominciato a viaggiare in giro per il mondo fin da quando era piccola. L'arrivo in Italia è avvenuto nel 2001. L'impatto con il clima milanese non è stato dei migliori: "È stata dura abituarsi. Sono nata e cresciuta sull'Isla Margarita, dove è sempre estate", aveva dichiarato tempo fa alla stampa.

Non senza sottrarsi anche a dei ricordi più dolorosi, come quando ebbe un incidente d'auto che poi l'ha cambiata: "Da allora sono diventata molto più responsabile". Davanti alla scelta di un ruolo in film, la modella ha dimostrato di aver le idee chiare fin da subito: "Quello della malafemmina, mi sono allenata per anni alla parte grazie alle telenovelas sudamericane", ha confidato. Forse, ora che ha lasciato il fidanzato, un ragazzo italiano, nella parte sembra essersi calata fino in fondo.



Kareena Kapoor latest weight loss has caused her to collapse during the shooting of Tashan. The person who is most upset with Bebo’s ( Kareena's home nickname) crash diets is her daddy Mr Randhir Kapoor, aka Daboo

Randhir Kapoor, who is worried for his Bebo says, “I have told her to stop the ‘diet business.’ She has become quite thin and must not lose more weight, but Bebo tells me that I should go on a diet because I am terribly overweight. Now what you can you say to that?” If Bebo does inherit the "family weight gene", then she is trying her hardest to stop it now. Unlike her sister Karishma, Kareena has always yo-yo'ed on the scales. Personally, I think Bebo has a perfect figure, good boobs, slim waist and strong hips...give the girl a break. Bolly Divas are becoming far too comestic and mimic an army of cloned Bolly Barbies!

Randhir Kapoor is proud of his younger daughter’s and the Kapoor family's achievements, “I was thrilled when Bebo got the Filmfare Best Actress Award and my brother Rishi got the Lifetime Achievement Award, while my nephew Ranbir got the award for Best Male Debut. Now we are going to launch two films soon under the RK Films Banner with Bebo and Ranbir. Happy days are here again! My father and grandfather must be really proud watching our family from wherever they are!” said a beaming Dabboo. The family legacy continues.......

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