Kamis, 20 November 2008


Several times the sexy pose of Sarah Azhari gone the round of in media really have an in with psychological of his an only child. Sarah confess nowadays his son is trauma
According to own-younger sister that Ayu Azhari is son Albani fear when seeing the camera lamp. That matter begin when photos of Sarah taken by occult camera in bathroom circulate year 2003 ago
" Yes she trauma of moment of photos of me which time of that bathroom is stolen. Kan emerge tuh in newspaper. His friend is a lot question. Yes but ' Yes will how again nak?'," he said the moment talk about by detikhot in Cafe Pisa Menteng
His Profit is problem experienced of by Albani is not endless. boy 8 of that year nowadays also start critical to appearance of is the mamma. Do not seldom Albani protest appearance of Sarah of if he feel too sexy
" She said less comfortable of if I wear it," say Sarah again
Nevertheless not yet there is desire of Sarah to alter itshis dressy style. But according to him there will be its time is he leave all clothes seksinya.

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